Archive for the ‘Learning’ Category

In a much newer attempt to actually developing my Korean typing skills, I’ve purchased some Korean keyboard stickers from 4keyboard through  They have them for other languages including Japanese and Chinese.  Check them out.

Autodidactic means self-learning or self-education; an autodidact is someone who is self-educated (on a subject or in schooling).  This blog is becoming more about the process of discovering and uncovering languages and cultures— hence the title “The Pursuit of Language and Culture”.  I’m trying to teach myself about the languages and cultures that interest me. […]

BYKI (Before you Know It) is a nifty little program that allows you to create, upload, and download lists for 64 different languages. The free version (which I am using) is excellent. You can’t create lists but you can download lists that others have created. For example, the Japanese and Korean lists, which I am […]