Archive for the ‘Objectives’ Category



Yes, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here…it’s almost time for the new year!  I have gotten majorly sidetracked with new blogs, new classes, new projects, and so forth.  I haven’t completely given up on this blog, I just need to (once again!) decide the direction to take. Next semester, I […]

It took me longer than I thought to read “Kamikaze Girls” but I’ve finally finished it (it’s one of many reasons I haven’t blogged in a bit).  I have a short review on Amazon of the novel, but am in the middle of writing up a, hopefully, more detailed review of the novel for this […]


I found these awesome destination charm necklaces at Urban Outfitters, and right now the Venice and Tokyo ones in my shopping cart.  I have a long history and love of Italy, and at one point in my many language adventures tried to actually take up Italian. I have vivid memories of meeting Italian nuns, eating […]